How To Highlight In Powerpoint 2011 For Mac


There were three. PowerPoint 2011 Image Effect on a Mac: highlight within an image. Follow the instructions below on how to set up a PowerPoint. PowerPoint 2011 Image Effect on a Mac: highlight within an image. Darken the full image with an overlay. Choose rectangles, click on the upper left corner of the image and draw a rectangle matching the exact shape over the image. Remove the outline: control-click in the rectangle/ choose format shape/.

While a PowerPoint 2011 for Mac slide show is running, you’ll see buttons appear when you move the mouse cursor. Vector magic 1.18 for mac. After a few seconds, the buttons dissolve away but return when you move the mouse. These buttons provide the same options that you see when you right-click anywhere on the slide while the show is running.

The buttons are:

  • Left Arrow: When clicked, runs the previous animation. If there are no previous animations, the previous slide is displayed.

  • Right Arrow: When clicked, runs the next animation. If there are no animations remaining on the slide, the next slide is displayed.

  • Pen tool: Activates the Pen tool menu.

  • Show controls: Displays a pop-up menu of controls for your show. The same controls also show when you right-click on a slide.

Using the Pen tool on a PowerPoint 2011 for Mac slide

You can draw on a slide while a slide show is running. This is useful to highlight particular things on a slide and to hide the cursor if desired. To use the Pen tool, follow these steps:

  1. In a running presentation, click the Pen.

  2. From the pop-up menu, choose Pen Color→Color.

  3. Hold the left mouse button down and drag to draw on the slide.

  4. When you’re done, click the Pen Tool button on the slide again. From the pop-up menu, choose Automatic.

Choosing show options in PowerPoint 2011 for Mac

When you click the Show Options button, you’re presented with a pop-up menu that offers these groups of options:

  • Next, Previous, Last Viewed

  • Go to Slide: Choose any slide from the pop-up menu.

  • Custom Show: Choose a custom show from the pop-up menu. This option is grayed out if you have not made any custom shows.

  • End Show: (or press the Esc key) Ends the show and displays Normal view.

  • Screen: Choose from these options:

    • Black Screen or White Screen

    • Erase Pen