What Is The Executable Path For Minecraft Java Mac
Locate your java executable file, it will be different depending on your. Except your executable path may be different than mine (I'm on a Mac).
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Blogsarrow_rightHow to Make a Server (simple)(Mac and Windows) Minecraft Blog- Login
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Published on Apr 29th, 2012, 4/29/12 8:11 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Unicorn2
Windows Instructions
[edit]REQUIRED: Verify and Install the Latest Version of Java
- Make sure that you have Java 6 installed. Avoid Java 7 unless you are debugging it, or until Oracle has officially released it. To do so, we first need to open up a command (CMD) window.
- In Windows 7/Vista/XP hold the Windows key down and press R to open the Run command and type cmd.
- At the command prompt, enter the following command, and
press enter: java -version - Java then should display its version, which should read 'Java version 1.6'
- At the command prompt, enter the following command, and
- If you get this error, 'Java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.', then you may have a previous version (less than 1.6) of Java or Java may not be in your system path.
- For 32-bit users you can obtain the latest version here: Java download page. If you use a 64-bit OS ensure you download the Windows x64 package.
- After you have installed the latest version of Java try again with java -version.If you get an error at this point, try the following to add Java to your system path.
- Right click Computer.
- Click properties.
- Click 'Advanced system settings'.
- Click 'Environment Variables'.
- Under system variables, find the Path variable.
- Click edit, and append to the end of the value: ;'c:Program FilesJavajre6bin'. If you use 32-bit Java on a 64-bit OS use: ;'c:Program Files (x86)Javajre6bin'
- Restart your computer.
- Now re-open the command prompt and try again.
- Right click Computer.
- For 32-bit users you can obtain the latest version here: Java download page. If you use a 64-bit OS ensure you download the Windows x64 package.
[edit]Start the Minecraft Server (.exe version)
- Double click on the 'Minecraft_Server.exe' file you downloaded and the server should start with a default configuration.
- Rename it MinecraftServer.bat
- Upon its initial start, it may throw some 'file not found' error messages. This is normal. The files are being created.
- After the first start, you'll probably want to shut it down (enter stop in the server command window) and then edit some configuration fileso as is explained below.
If you get an error like 'Can't save server.properties' and your screen fills with useless, gibberish text, close the command prompt window and running the MinecraftServer.bat file as the Administrator by right-mouse clicking on it and choosing 'Run as..'. (You will need the administrator password to do this..)
[edit]Increasing the amount of RAM allocated to the Minecraft server
If you would like to start your server with more RAM, you will need to create a Windows batch file and run your server that way. Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds.
- Open up Notepad (not Wordpad) to create a text document with no formatting (italics, boldface, etc.).
- Identify your Windows OS type (32-bit or 64-bit), which may be done through the Control Panel. Also, identify which version of Java you are runningo 32 bit or 64 bit.
- Based on your OS and Java types..
- If Windows is 32-bit or Windows is 64-bit with 64-bit Java, copy this into your document (on a single line and remember to include both the ' in sentence) (adjust the following line for Java 6 if used):'C:Program FilesJavajre6binjavaw.exe' -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar 'Minecraft_Server.exe'
- If you are, for some reason, running 32-bit Java on a 64-bit system, upgrade Java. Also, if you have installed Java to a different directory or changed the name of your Minecraft server .exe file, see below.
- If you do have 32-bit Java on a 64-bit system, Java.com recognizes Java by browser, and some browsers are 32-bit, so downloading both 32-bit Java and 64-bit Java may be needed to run everything correctly
- So what does all of this mean? The executable command ('C:Program FilesJavajre6binjavaw.exe') is the file path to the location of your most current javaw.exe file. If Java updates to Java 7, you will need to change 'jre6' to 'jre7'. If you installed Java to a different location, you will have to locate it and paste that file path in instead. The next part (-Xmx2G -Xms2G) is your RAM allocation, in gigabytes (GB). By default, your server runs with about 100 MB of RAM, which is very little. Most people will change their server to run on 1 GB of RAM; 2 GB of RAM is also common. As for the -jar, this indicates that Minecraft_Server.exe is a Java archive.
- Lastly in the executable command is the name of our .exe file (Minecraft_Server.exe). Typically, it is named Minecraft_Server.exe. Upper and lower case does matter. RenameMinecraft_Server.exe to whatever you named your file. Then click File->Save As..and for the file name call it run.bat, and make sure you select *.* All File Types from the drop-down arrow (Note: If you do not see *.* All File Types as a file type, you must put run.bat in quotes. 'run.bat'). Then save it in the same location your server is saved, and double click your run.bat file. If all goes well, you will notice that you will have much more RAM available on your server!
- If Windows is 32-bit or Windows is 64-bit with 64-bit Java, copy this into your document (on a single line and remember to include both the ' in sentence) (adjust the following line for Java 6 if used):'C:Program FilesJavajre6binjavaw.exe' -Xmx2G -Xms2G -jar 'Minecraft_Server.exe'
If Windows does not recognize the filetype (You are being prompted to select a program to open it with), it may be because Minecraft_Server is missing the .exe extension. This can be fixed by renaming the Minecraft_Server file to Minecraft_Server.exe. If it worked, the icon should now be the Minecraft symbol.
If this does not work, you will have to go into a command window by opening Run, typing cmd and pressing enter. Once there you need to navigate to the folder you have created.
To do this:
- Ensure you are in the proper drive (usually C drive). Type C: and then hit enter to access the c drive
- Now you need to call the directory (open the folder). Type cd 'folder name' then hit enter. Make sure to include the quotation
- Ensure you are in the proper directory. Type dir and command will generate a list of contents of the folder, you should see minecraft_server there.
- Rename Minecraft. Type rename minecraft_server minecraft_server.exe then hit enter. This should add the .exe extension to the executable and it should now operate correctly
[edit]Start the Minecraft Server (.jar version)
- If you have the .jar version, you will need to have a path variable set up for Java in order to start the jar version of the server. Refer to step 3 of 'REQUIRED: Verify and Install the Latest Version of Java' above to set up a path variable.
- To start the jar version of Minecraft on Windows, create a new file in Notepad, and paste injava -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar minecraft_server.jar
- Save the file as startserver.bat, and place the file in the same folder as minecraft_server.jar. The .bat extension saves the file as a batch file.
- Double click startserver.bat, and the Minecraft server will run.
[edit]Starting the jar version without altering your system path
To start minecraft.jar server without having to change your system path variable you need to instead express the path variable for Java in the 'start.bat' file. This is handy because it allows you to still run commands from command prompt using the default system path, without having to constantly edit the system path.
- To do this open your start.bat file (or whatever you've named it) with Notepad
- On the very first line add the command
@echo off
so that a command window isn't opened to show the output from our start file - On the next line, make sure the system can find Java (also called the Java Runtime Environment or JRE) by adding it to the Path Environment Variable. On a current Windows PC Java will be most commonly located at 'C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.exe', so what you would then write is
where %PATH% contains the existing Path values and %ProgramFiles(x86)% contains the location of your 32bit Program Files - usually 'C:Program Files (x86)' (adjust this if you are using Java 6) - Finally, make sure on the last line you have the command that starts the Minecraft server itself:
java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar minecraft_server.jar - If you prefer not to use the server's Graphical User Interface (GUI) to enter administration commands, simply add the option nogui to the end of the last command above, so that it reads:
java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
Here is an example of a bat file that starts the minecraft server on Windows, in this example the minecraft directory is located at D:minecraft (so minecraft_server.jar is located at D:minecraftminecraft_server.jar), the operating system is Windows 7 64 bit, Sun's java.exe is installed at C:Program FilesJavajre6bin This java happens to be 64 bit and the PC I'm running has plenty of RAM, 16 GB in my case, so I can allocate the 2GB via the Xmx2048M of maximum memory to run minecraft. The D: line below tells the bat file to go the D: drive. Also note the double quotes around 'Program Files' below, needed because of the space between the words Programs and Files . I also chose not to use the @echo off . The title run-minecraft in the 1st line is to just have the MS DOS window that is used to run minecraft display 'run-minecraft' in the window title bar.
title run-minecraft path=%PATH%;%C:'Program Files'Javajre6bin D: cd minecraft java.exe -Xms1048M -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
[edit]Mac OS X Instructions
Setting a server up in Mac OS X is 'more involved' than in Windows because an executable file has not been made available. A video tutorial of the process can be seen here. Keep in mind that the server won't run correctly on OSX 10.4 and may crash your machine.
Ensure you have the latest server application software. Look above for instructions.
[edit]Installing Java
Mac OS X already comes with its own version of Java that is updated automatically via Software Update (Apple menu > Software Update).
[edit]Setting up the Minecraft Server
Ensure you have followed the download step before proceeding.
- Create a folder, if you haven't already, and put minecraft_server.jar into it. For example, create a folder on the Desktop named minecraft_server and drag the jar file into it.
- Open TextEdit, set the format to plain text (Format > Make Plain Text), copy and paste in the following:
#!/bin/bash cd '$(dirname '$0')' exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar
- Save the file as 'start.command' in the same folder as minecraft_server.jar.
- This will give the server enough RAM to run. The amount of RAM can be changed by editing the 1Gto something else, such as 2G for 2 GB.
- This will give the server enough RAM to run. The amount of RAM can be changed by editing the 1Gto something else, such as 2G for 2 GB.
- Open Terminal (in /Applications/Utilities/Terminal).
- Grant execute permissions on file start.command to Owner, Group. and Public. To do so, type inchmod a+x , with a space after it; drag and drop the start.command file into the terminal window; and then press enter. (This gives run permission to the start.command script.)
- Double-click the start.command file to start the server.
- A new Terminal window will open and, the first time you run the script, several error messages about missing files/directories will appear. This is normal. You're now ready to configure your server.
[edit]Run as a daemon
Alternatively you can automate the startup of the Minecraft server.
Create a Mac OS X startup daemon
[edit]Linux Instructions
This tutorial for how to set up a Minecraft server on Linux was designed for people who don't have a lot of experience with Linux. There is a more advanced tutorial in the forums. This tutorial was tested on Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit but should work with the descendants of Debian.
Ensure you have the latest server application software. Look above for instructions.
[edit]Installing Java
If you get java: command not found (which may be followed by more text) or if you do have another Java version than 1.6 then you need to install or update java. The official Oracle Java is recommended. A few individuals have experienced issues with OpenJDK. Others report that running on OpenJDK is completely fine.
Ensure that the non-free repository is being scanned by apt. You do this by adding non-free to your/etc/apt/sources.list file. e.g.:
deb ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ squeeze main non-free
Update your sources list (as root):
apt-get update
Then to install Java, simply type this in terminal and press enter (as root):
apt-get install sun-java6-jre
For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and on, the sun-java6 packages have been dropped from the Multiverse section of the Ubuntu archive. You must add these sources:
- For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx):
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner'
- For Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat):
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner'
- For Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal):
Some distros have the command 'add-apt-repository' removed. If this is the case, you will need to add the python properties by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
Then you can proceed to add the source:
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb archive.canonical.com/ubuntu natty partner'
- For Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot):
Some distros have the command 'add-apt-repository' removed. If this is the case, you will need to add the python properties by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
Then you can proceed to add the source:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java
- Then install the packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
sudo update-alternatives --config java
- Note that after February 16, 2012 the above may no longer work thanks to a licensing issue with Sun's Java ( lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2012-January/001554.html )
Tags1 Update Logs
Update #1 : 05/03/2012 6:00:41 pmMay 3rd, 20122 replies
110/11/2018 1:40 amLevel 1:New MinerEmmewilliamI went through this post and very clear steps mention in this post about how to make a server for Mac or Apple. it really informative to the user. I am planning to make a server for window 10. Recently I have been installed window 10 on my laptop and now i have faced the issues while I tried to play a game then i took assistance from https://www.windowstechnicalsupportnumbers.com/ and they assisted me nicely in short period of time.105/03/2012 6:23 pmLevel 16:Journeyman PonyJJrambo96
Great tutorial but I think this would be really complicated for anyone using Windows or Mac to run a server
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I've been using MakeMKV for almost a year now, and recently I've been running into the screen pass/playlist obfuscation issue on Blu-rays, namely on Hell or High Water and Manchester by the Sea.
I've been reading around on the forums, and some people seem to have a solution using Process Monitor and AnyDVD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlhBmIbReao). The problem for me is that those are Windows-only programs, and I'm using a Mac (macOS Sierra, Version 10.12.3).
However, in these two forums:
https://www.makemkv.com/forum2/viewtopi .. =4&t=14800
there is a solution described wherein MakeMKV uses Java Runtime Environment to find the correct version of the film on the Blu-ray.
I've installed JRE system-wide on my Mac (despite the security risks because I don't know how to install it on a virtual machine), but MakeMKV doesn't pick up on it automatically. I'm assuming that I have to force MakeMKV to recognize it through the MakeMKV > Preferences > Protection > Custom Java executable location field, but I don't know what to put there. One of the forums mentions that there should be some sort of executable file in Macintosh HD > Library > Java > JavaVirtualMachines, but I don't see any files there.
I'm using MakeMKV version 1.10.5. Other than downgrading to version 1.9 (which the forums suggest works but is a workaround I'd like to avoid), is there a way to get MakeMKV to use Java on my Mac as a way of identifying which file on a obfuscation-protected Blu-ray is the real feature film?
Thank you in advance.