Webp Photoshop Cc Plugin For Mac


Current plug-in version: WebPShop 0.2.1

Descriptions for Xe8472 v2.0.2 Plugin for Photoshop CC Name: Xe8472 Version: 2.0.2 Includes: Serial Web Site: Overview Xe8472 is an Industry-First Color.

WebPShop is a Photoshop module for opening and saving WebP images, includinganimations.

Please look at the files LICENSE and CONTRIBUTING in the 'docs' folder beforeusing the contents of this repository or contributing.


Current library version: WebP 1.0.2

Put the file from the bin folder in the Photoshop plug-in directory(C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe PhotoshopPlug-insWebPShop.8bi for Windows x64,Applications/Adobe Photoshop/Plug-ins/WebPShop.plugin for Mac). Run Photoshop.That's it!


Use Microsoft Visual Studio (2017 and above) for Windows and XCode for Mac. Mac os high sierra download.

  • Download the latest Adobe Photoshop Plug-In and Connection SDK athttps://console.adobe.io/downloads/ps,
  • Download the latest WebP binaries athttps://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/precompiled or build them,
  • Put the contents of this repository in a 'webpshop' folder located atadobe_photoshop_sdk_[version]/pluginsdk/samplecode/format,
  • Add path/to/webp/includes and path/to/webp/includes/src as AdditionalInclude Directories to the WebPShop project [1],
  • Add webp, webpdemux, webpmux libraries as Additional Dependencies to theWebPShop project [1],
  • Build it with the same architecture as your Photoshop installation(x86 or x64 for Windows, x64 for Mac),
  • Build it with the same architecture and config as the WebP library binaries(x86 or x64 for Windows, x64 for Mac, Debug/Release),
  • By example for Windows, it should output the plug-in file WebPShop.8bi inadobe_photoshop_sdk_[version]/pluginsdk/samplecode/Output/Win/Debug[64]/.

[1] By default the XCode project includes and links to thelibwebp-[version]-mac-[version] folder in the webpshop directory. The VSproject expects libwebp-[version]-windows-x64 (and/or -x86).


  • Open, Open As menu commands can be used to read .webp files.
  • Save, Save As menu commands can be used to write .webp files. Encodingparameters can be tuned through the UI.

Encoding settings

For information, the quality slider maps the following ranges to their internalWebP counterparts (see SetWebPConfig() in WebPShopEncodeUtils.cpp):

The radio buttons offer several levels of compression effort:


  • Only English is currently supported.
  • Only 'RGB Color' image mode is currently supported.
  • The Timeline data is not used; thus animations rely on layers for definingframes (set duration as '(123 ms)' in each layer's name), and they need tobe rasterized before saving.
  • On some images, lossless compression might produce smaller file sizes thanlossy. That's why the quality slider is not linear. The same problem existswith the radio buttons controlling the compression effort.
  • This plug-in does not extend Export As neither Save for Web.
  • Encoding and decoding are done in a single pass. It is not currentlypossible to cancel such actions, and it might take some time on big images.

Software architecture

The common folder contains the following:

  • WebPShop.h is the main header, containing most functions.
  • WebPShop.cpp contains the plug-in entry point (called by host).
  • WebPShop.r and WebPShopTerminology.h represent the plug-in properties.
  • Functions in WebPShopSelector* are called in WebPShop.cpp.
  • WebPShop*Utils.cpp are helper functions.
  • WebPShopScripting.cpp is mostly used for automation.
  • WebPShopUI* display the encoding parameters window and the About box.

The win folder contains a Visual Studio solution and project, alongside withWebPShop.rc which is the encoding parameters window layout and About box.

The mac folder contains an XCode project. WebPShopUIDialog_mac.h and .mmdescribe the UI layout, while WebPShopUI_mac.mm handles the window events.

Image enthusiasts should use one of the many software products thatsupport WebP.

We provide in the libwebp codec distribution a reference implementation forthe encoder and decoder applications, cwebp and dwebp respectively, toshowcase the available functionalities of WebP. These files can be downloadedfrom the downloads repositoryor can be built from source. They reside in the examples/ directory.

The libwebp codec includes an extensive encoder and decoder API. Pleaseconsult the appropriate documentation if you'd like to add support for WebP toyour application or browser.

Using cwebp to Convert Images to the WebP Format

Use cwebp on the command line to convert PNG or JPEG image files to WebPformat. You can convert a PNG image file to a WebP image with a quality rangeof 80 with the command:

Consult the cwebpdocumentation for a descriptionof the encoder, its standard and advanced options.

Using dwebp to Convert Images from the WebP Format

Use dwebp on the command line to convert WebP image files to the PNG or PPMformat. You can convert a WebP image file, say image.webp to a PNG imagewith the command:

Consult the dwebpdocumentation for a descriptionof the decoder and its command-line options.

Viewing your Images Natively

WebP is a new image format and is natively supported in Google Chrome, Opera,and many otherapplications and libraries.

API for the WebP Codec

The WebP team has provided an extensive API to allow developers to addsupport to their applications, including browsers, image editing tools as wellas native applications.

Consult the API documentation for a description oflibwebp application programming interface.